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– A masterbatch is polymer resin containing a high concentration of the additive to be incorporated. – The polymer resin may contain its own stabilization. Polymer Additive Reference Standards. 2nd Edition - Coming soon (available as downloads in PDF format, to view or print at your convenience). ?Thermal and light stabilizers, antioxidants, and flame retardants. (influence essentially the chemical interaction of polymers with the environment). ?described in the book the “Handbook for the Chemical Analysis of Plastic and Polymer Additives” (published in 2007 by CRC Press). In some cases an additive may be encountered in a variety of polymers for a wide range of end uses, for example certain antioxidants. In other instances the. Additives to extend polymer properties help prolong the service life of plastic applications and/or allow the use of plastics in additional or demanding Additives in polymers : industrial analysis and applications / Jan C.J. Bart. 1.3 Economic impact of polymer additives . . 9. 1.4 Analysis of plastics .
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